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Hibiscus, pure clean chrysanthemum

- Detoxify, cool the liver, push toxins in dirty food out of the body, limit liver cell damage caused by alcohol, strong alcohol.. 
- Support the treatment of elevated liver enzymes, hepatitis B, relieve symptoms of liver disease such as pain in the lower ribs, jaundice, fatigue, reduce fat in the liver and blood._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
- Prevent and restrain the development of cirrhosis, liver cancer, increase immunity, enhance function and protect liver cells. 

Note: The product is not a medicine, does not have the effect of replacing medicine


User manual:
- Put the tea in a cup, dissolve it with about 200ml of boiling water

.- Use 1-2 times a day, 1-2 packs each time



50 filter bags x 250g/bag x 4 bags 


Expiry date:   2 years from date of manufacture.


Production unit : Thang Long Hi-tech Agriculture Joint Stock Company
Hotline 19008952 

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Tea bag filter Cactus vines chrysanthemum

SKU: 16
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